# Author Interviews # Jen Boele

Interview with Jens Boele, Author of URBEX PREDATOR #interview


"Weathered multi-story apartment blocks rose into the sky, overgrown with birch and fir trees. Moss clung to the entrance areas; ivy sought its way upwards. The scenery looked like a modern Sleeping Beauty castle, sprung from the premonition of a sinister dystopia."

-- From Urbex Predator by Jens Boele

Book Description:

A relic from the Cold War, the old barracks beckon photographers, influencers, and adventurers, shrouded in secrets and peril. Nela and Tess dare the eerie ruins for their photography thesis, while Zander, Yelka, Vivien, and Damon embark on a simultaneous shoot. Amid the abandoned shadows, Yelka’s group runs into Steven and his ruthless gang, initially outsmarting them. Yet, Nela and Tess fall victim to a nightfall ambush, escaping but torn apart. As adrenaline courses through the gang, they stalk Yelka and her friends, unleashing a relentless manhunt. Vivien becomes their captive, setting off a chain reaction. Tess encounters Damon and Yelka, while Nela, guided by Ben, the barracks’ security manager, races to find Tess. Yelka strives to rescue Vivien, trapped in an abandoned outdoor pool. On his lone pursuit, Zander witnesses the gang’s brutality, delving into a darker realm within himself, spurred by the horrifying thrill of Steven’s actions. The scene propels Yelka, Damon, and Tess into a frenzy, unleashing chaos to liberate Vivien. Nela and Ben, attempting to overpower the gang, witness Yelka and Vivien’s escape as the gang closes in. With the arrival of Steven’s older brother, Henry, the stakes are set; the old military hospital transforms into a battleground. No one is to leave alive, and a matter of life and death ensues. In the ruthless clash, Nela and Yelka emerge as the lone defenders, while Zander pursues a mission for his own catharsis. In Henry’s basement, dubbed his Hades, the teams converge for a pulse-pounding final duel, where survival is the ultimate prize. 

You can pick up your copy at Amazon



Hello Jens! Your book, Urbex Predator sounds absolutely thrilling. Can you recount how you came up with that intriguing title?


Thank you so much! I appreciate your interest in the title. Well, considering the book revolves around Urban Explorers, often shortened to Urbexers, it felt natural to incorporate that term into the title. The inclusion of the 'X' at the end lends it a somewhat scientific vibe. Building on that, I decided to add the word 'Predator' to the mix. Interestingly, there's a Latin term for the predator, which sits atop the food chain, known as the Apex Predator. The similarity struck me. Within the narrative, the abandoned barracks are teeming with various predators. It raises the intriguing question: who truly holds the mantle of predator, and who becomes the prey?


An old Cold War military barracks becomes a battleground between a group of friends and a group of gang members. What were the group of friends doing there in the first place and why did this gang want to basically kill them?


That's a great question! Our friends were actually on a photo shoot. You see, they're Urbexers – they explore abandoned places and capture them through photography. It's become quite an art form, especially with the rise of interest during the pandemic. Some do it for social media, some for a living, and others, like Nela and Tess, were working on their bachelor thesis. So, there they were, in the middle of nowhere, miles away from the nearest town and devoid of any Wi-Fi. What they didn't know was that the old barracks were a favorite haunt for a gang of thugs with a toxic social dynamic. Tensions simmered within the gang's hierarchy, and our Urbex friends unwittingly became part of their internal power struggles. Despite their initial success, fueled by their determination, things took a dark turn as night fell. Provocations ignited anger, which in turn spiraled into violence. The toxic dynamics within the gang only fueled further escalation, and soon our friends found themselves in a situation with no easy way out. I'll share a small spoiler here: the gang's leader, Ryder, has an older brother who doesn't exactly help to deescalate things...


Did you model any of your characters after people you knew?


Modeling characters after people I know was indeed a helpful technique, especially in my earlier books. I would take colleagues from work and reimagine them in new roles within my stories. It's not only a great way to infuse your book with authentic characters but also deepens your understanding of human behavior and personality traits. Sometimes, I felt like a psychoanalyst, but it was all in good fun. However, as I delved into writing this horror novel, particularly one reminiscent of classic 80s horror, I leaned more towards archetypes of human behavior rather than specific individuals. The story thrives on these archetypes – the wise old character who's encountered the monster before, the final girls, the villains, and the oddballs. I shaped each character with unique traits based on familiar patterns I've observed in people. And, no, there's one character in particular that isn't inspired by anyone I know, including myself. I won't spoil it for you, but once you read the book, you'll know exactly who I'm referring to. Enjoy the thrill!


Can you give us a brief glimpse inside your book so readers can see what a spine-tingling book this is?


Of course, here is one of my favorite excerpts:


Nela carefully slipped out of the cover, hiding behind a piece of crumbling wall. Her gaze strayed across a large square surrounded by barracks buildings. Back then, there must have been parades and marches here. Nela could hear boots pounding the asphalt, and officers yelling instructions.


Yet now, dark figures were standing at a distance. Four men were gathered there, arguing intensely. Unfortunately, she couldn’t hear what they were saying. Nela was sure they were the guys from the outdoor pool. And they had the blonde girl with them that Nela had first thought was Tess. Their argument seemed to be about her. A little guy from their midst pushed the blonde to the ground. Then, they started to argue loudly. 

“What’s going on there?” Ben murmured from behind.

“I have no idea. They seem to be arguing.”

“Is that Ryder and his gang?”

“I can’t make them out. But I think it is them. And they have the blonde girl in their power as well.”

“Is the other one there, too?”

“I can only see her.”

“Maybe she was able to escape.”

“It may sound heartless,” Nela whispered, “but I’m glad Tess isn’t in their grip.”

“That’s perfectly fine, girl. Don’t worry about it, it’s okay.”

Nela glanced over at Ben. She was glad that he was with her. However, when she looked back at the square, her blood was running cold. One of the men raised a club and beat the girl. Nela had to cover her mouth to keep from crying out in horror. 

“What’s going on?”

But Nela could not answer. Horror rendered her paralyzed. The thug continued to beat the girl, roaring like mad. Yet, the worst part was not the blows or his frenzy. It was the muffled sounds she heard with each blow that really disturbed her. 

Clang, clang, clang. Like a hammer hitting wood.


How did you come up with the idea to write this book?


The idea for 'Urbex Predator' was born out of my personal experiences as an urban explorer, venturing into the forgotten recesses of the world. I've always been drawn to the haunting beauty of abandoned places and the untold tales they harbor within their decaying walls.


As an Urbexer, I've explored deserted military compounds that once teemed with life—complete with housing, shopping centers, sports facilities, and medical wards. These vast expanses of desolation offer a profound sense of solitude, yet they can also be fraught with unexpected encounters. I vividly recall an incident at an abandoned hospital where my friend and I stumbled upon a group gathering at an entrance. Initially mistaken for photographers, they brandished steel pipes instead of tripods and cameras, indicating hostile intentions. Unlike the characters in my book, we managed to evade them, but the encounter left a lasting impression.


Later, I learned that these individuals masqueraded as security personnel, preying on unsuspecting photographers and plundering valuable items. Their malevolent presence served as a catalyst for the narrative of 'Urbex Predator,' intertwining real-life experiences with the allure of horror storytelling.


In essence, my passion for exploring forgotten realms and my fascination with the macabre culminated in the creation of 'Urbex Predator,' a tale that delves into the darker facets of human nature and the chilling secrets that lurk within abandoned spaces.


Will there be an Urbex Predator Book 2?


What an intriguing question, one that has been swirling in my mind as I penned the final pages of Urbex Predator. While I'm careful not to unveil too many secrets just yet, I'm thrilled to share this glimpse into what lies ahead: the potential for revisiting certain characters in new and thrilling escapades. But here's the twist – it's not just our heroes who may make a return. Every character, from the protagonists to the villains, has captured my imagination.


In fact, I've already begun to sketch out ideas for potential sequels or perhaps even an entire series. Imagine it: new abandoned sites, deeper rivalries, and a shadowy cult lurking in the periphery. Yet, the fate of these future tales ultimately rests in the hands of you, the readers. Your embrace of the characters and their world will determine the course of the narrative yet to unfold.


But amidst the allure of sequels, I'm also brimming with fresh concepts for entirely new literary journeys. Time, as they say, is a precious commodity. So, dear readers, if the thought of further Urbex Predator adventures ignites your imagination, I'm all ears. Your voices may very well shape the destiny of what's to come


Thank you for your time. Do you have anything you'd like to say to your potential readers?


Thank you for having me! The journey of writing and publishing "Urbex Predator" has been an adventure in itself, and now it's your turn to embark on the exploration of the abandoned barracks. I understand it's going to be a challenging ride, and the trigger warnings are there for a reason. But rest assured, I'll be right beside you, guiding you through the nightmare our characters endure. You can count on me until the very end, I promise!


Once you've finished the book, I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. Feel free to join my newsletter on jensboele.com to stay updated on all the latest news. Don't worry, I won't flood your inbox too often, just the occasional update. And if you're interested in becoming an advanced reader for future projects, shoot me a message through my website. I'd love to connect with you.


As always, I hope you enjoy the thrills and excitement that "Urbex Predator" has to offer!



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