Tuesday, July 12, 2022

# 5 Things You Should Know

5 Things You Should Know About Promise of the Heart by Susan Berry @susanberry111 #5Things


5 Things You Should Know About Promise of the Heart

By Susan Berry

1. I have always enjoyed reading romance novels that have storylines that take place in interesting settings and with strong characters who are confident in every aspect of their lives, but find themselves on shaky ground when it comes to matters of the heart. In Promise of the Heart, takes place on a beautiful vineyard in California. Our heroine Maggie is an independent woman who is newly wed to the equally independent and wealthy Desmond. Maggie’s relationship with Desmond has such depth and delicious romance that she should feel confident in the love they share. But when circumstances she finds herself in while accompanying Desmond on a business trip to the vineyard make her question that confidence, she is rattled to her core.

    1. Desmond is a wealthy owner of several successful vineyards and his family has been in the wine business for generations. So when an old friend of the family bequeaths a vineyard to Desmond in his will, it should’ve been an easy transaction and nothing for Maggie to be concerned about. But why was Desmond being so secretive about the details, and why does he seem worried?
    1. Maggie has a very close, but sometimes contentious, relationship with her older sister, Jilly. Having lost their mother to a drowning accident when Maggie was only twelve, the two sisters relied on each other to make it through the heartbreaking tragedy. Not surprising, Jilly took on the role of nurturing and protecting Maggie. A habit that leads her to show up at the inherited vineyard when Maggie finds herself in trouble.
    1. The death of her mother in such a catastrophic way has left Maggie very cautious when it comes to matters of the heart, vowing to never let anyone get too close, fearing the pain of loss again. Even with Desmond, Maggie holds back from giving her whole self to him. Love and romance is one thing, but she fights with herself over trusting the happiness she feels when she’s with him and it strains their bond when she can’t bring herself to let him in when she needs him most. 
    1. Since the first page, in the first book of the series, Dance of the Heart, the relationship of Maggie and Desmond has captured not only my heart but that of those who’ve read their story. In Promise of the Heart, that relationship is tested with its biggest challenge yet. With each page we read, our breaths held, and our hopes high, we’re taken on an exhilarating ride to find ourselves at the satisfying end wanting more.Now that you know a bit more about Promise of the Heart, my fondest wish is to hear from you about your experience after reading the book. You can reach me at my website at https://www.susanberryauthor.com. And while you're there, don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to be first to know about my newest releases and check out the latest contest for free books and gift cards. Thank you again for spending your time with me. Here’s to your own romantic journey, and may it bring you all the happiness you deserve. Much love,Susan

    About the Author

    Since Susan Berry was a young girl, she loved to write. Her imagination was filled with stories that she couldn’t write down fast enough. But it wasn’t until her grandmother had given her a Harlequin romance novel to occupy her time on a long, boring car ride, that she fell in love with reading romance. The excitement of the characters first meeting, and the dance of the heart that followed, left Susan frantically turning pages. From that day on, Susan spent her free time with her beloved grandmother, reading the latest novels they’d retrieved from a used book store, or the local second hand shop. That reading eventually turned into the writing of her own romance novels. Novels filled with characters who have not yet found love, but eventually find a way to overcome romantic troubles with humor, wit, and the consumption of lots and lots of chocolate.

    Susan’s latest book is the clean romance suspense, Promise of the Heart.

    You can visit her website at https://www.SusanBerryauthor.com   or connect with her on TwitterFacebook and Goodreads.


    Book Description:

    Author: Susan Berry
    Publisher: Independent
    Pages: 203
    Genre: Clean Romance

    Book Blurb:

    After a distasteful first meeting, and a rocky start to their romance, Maggie Kinsley has been happily married to Desmond for the last eleven months. And although she was often alone when he traveled for business, she rather enjoyed how he passionately greeted her when returning home.

    So when he received a letter naming him as executor of a property that belonged to a deceased family friend and had to leave for a few weeks, Maggie should have been content as she kissed him goodbye. But there was something about the whole thing that made her uneasy. Why was Desmond so evasive with her when she asked him about the previous owner. And why had he insisted she not tell anyone of his plans to stay on the property. Maggie soon found the answers to her questions were more than just a woman’s intuition, but rather something that not even her wildest, darkest fears could have foreseen.

    “I so enjoyed the long awaited final book to the trilogy the author so lovingly created. Maggie’s story has a wonderful ending and she’ll be in my heart and mind for a long time.” – Amazon

    Book Information

    Release Date: February 21, 2022

    Publisher:  Independent

    Soft Cover: ISBN: 979-8420398647; 203 pages; $6.99; E-Book, $1.99

    Amazon: https://amzn.to/3wk29M8

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