First Chapter Reveal: The Death of the Kremlin Czar by Jorg H. Trauboth

October 13, 2024 0 Comments


Title: The Death of the Kremlin Czar
Author: Jorg H. Trauboth
Publisher: Gedankenkunst-Verlog
Publication Date: August 26, 2024
Pages: 443
Genre: Thriller


Russian President and new Czar Ivan Pavlenko suddenly shows his true colors during the war in Ukraine. He wants the old Soviet Union back. The world is on the brink. The influential oligarch Alexei Sokolov wants to prevent Ivan’s megalomaniacal plans and is planning a fundamental new beginning for Russia. To achieve this, the Russian president must die. How will the US President react to the CIA’s proposal to support the oligarch, who has a romantic relationship with the Russian President’s partner, Yulia? 

The Death of the Kremlin Czar is available at Amazon (U.S. edition) and Amazon (German edition)


Chapter One


“Watch out! High-voltage line at three hundred meters!“, shouted the co-pilot.
“In sight!“ the commander replied calmly, pulling up just before the obstacle and immediately pushing the helicopter down again. 

The two pilots of the Ukrainian armed forces guided the old Russian Mi-8 helicopter with their night vision devices on a zigzag course away from populated areas and Russian defense walls to the target. The destination was Luhansk. The mission: to free their own soldiers from Russian captivity. They had volunteered for the Ascension mission and trained for the flight intensively in the simulator supplied by the USA, including simulated enemy fire and evasive maneuvers. The simulator‘s current aerial photographs proved to be extremely helpful in the dimly lit night. A lot had changed in Donbass since the region was forcibly annexed by Russian President Ivan Pavlenko. Destroyed cities, abandoned villages, mined escape routes, deportations, rapes, mass graves, poverty, hunger, thirst and despair. 

Ivan Pavlenko was called “Czar Ivan II“ by the co-pilot, a former history teacher. But not only by him. The Ukrainian people hated this man who had brought so much suffering to their families with his megalomania and wanted to steal their country. Even those people whose thinking was shaped by Russian culture had turned their backs on this madman in Moscow. 

The co-pilot turned to Iris, the commander of the special forces, and signaled “30 minutes.“ 

Iris had been given his nickname because – like the German anti-aircraft missile of the same name – he was known for always hitting the bull‘s eye. Everything Iris tackled led to success. On a street in Kiev, the child-pushing, medium-sized, friendly man at his wife‘s side would not have been noticed. No one could have guessed that the man flirting with his young daughter was a rare mixture of analyst, combat soldier and leader with a stellar military career ahead of him. 

Iris looked at his men. The two teams sat opposite each other and remained completely relaxed despite the loud engine noise in the old transport helicopter with its fake Russian registration. 

Perhaps it was a kind of meditative calm before the dangerous mission. Or perhaps it was the awareness that they could be hit by a Russian missile at any time during this night-time low-level flight into the Luhansk Oblast without being able to do anything about it. There weren‘t even any parachutes on board, because every kilogram counted for the return flight, during which the aged and rattling Mi-8 would be fully occupied. 

The commander of the special forces fixed his gaze on the German opposite, who returned the look and nodded. Iris had received authorization for this rescue mission with a foreign team member from the highest authority. He had only agreed to it because the German Marc Anderson was considered a legend in the West despite being only thirty-five years old. Together with the US Navy SEALs, he had evacuated an American aircrew from the depths of Afghanistan and later served as a private security officer. 

The US president‘s family was rescued from the hands of Iranian terrorists on a luxury yacht by the security agent and his team. He and his team were personally honored by the US President. The Iranian terrorists took revenge and brutally murdered Marc‘s wife in front of their house in Hamburg. 

He had not been heard from since. Now, years later, he had resurfaced and was fighting for the life of his long-time friend and companion Thomas Heinrich in Ukraine. Six months ago, “Tom“ had applied to the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine in Kiev. 

Iris remembered. Tom had appeared in his German army combat gear. A giant, not grim, but with the face of a loving father who had no children. The interview and the practical tests amazed the entire check-out team. They were not faced with one of the many applicants who had an identity crisis at home and thought they could save the invaded Ukraine without any specific prior knowledge. No, he was a former sergeant major of the German Special Forces Command with war experience – accurate, fast, stress- resistant, team-oriented, and immediately ready for action. Not a dreamer, not someone who was looking for a hero‘s death. The 2,000-dollar weekly salary was not as important to him as it was to many other applicants to the 1,000-strong International Legion. His strong will to professionally defend the attacked Ukraine on the front line and thus contribute his small part to world peace was his convincing motivation. After just two months on the front line in southern Ukraine, he became a platoon leader and deputy commander in an international company in which Danes, Poles, Croats, Dutch, Israelis, Latvians, British and Canadians fought. 

His luck was short-lived in the hail of bullets. During the battle at Bachmut, he was so badly wounded by a shot in the thigh that he could no longer stand on his feet. His comrades, who were being chased by the Russians, reported that he had refused to be taken out with the other wounded. But in the open firefight had saved the team, with his return fire. They returned with reinforcements, came under fire again, fought their way back to where Tom had been lying on the road, but he had disappeared. 

Where was Tom? Abducted or buried in a mass grave? Weeks later, Russian state television presented Thomas Heinrich as a Western mercenary and announced the court verdict from Luhansk:
“Sentenced to death for attempting to overthrow the constitutional order.“
Seven other prisoners of the International Legion suffered the same fate.
Iris had studied the recording again and again. Tom‘s right leg was covered with a dirty bandage. He was supporting himself with a stick and his face showed injuries, possibly the result of torture. But his loving expression was unaffected. Tom smiled into the camera as if to encourage his comrades not to give up. The tortured faces of the other soldiers showed signs of emptiness, despair and also fear. 

While the world press was reporting and Russian state television was announcing further proof of the West‘s war against Russia, the top military leadership was meeting in Kiev. Iris attended as commander of the special forces and remembered every word in the bunker. 

The tension in the room was palpable, because the president himself, as commander-in-chief, expected a quick and appropriate military decision.
“Why are our men being held in Luhansk and not somewhere near Moscow or even in Siberia?“ the beefy, bald-headed Chief of the General Staff had asked the intelligence chief. With his nickel glasses and cold gray eyes, he looked strikingly like the current head of the CIA on the other side of the Atlantic. Iris had wondered whether these features were a prerequisite for the job. 

“We are very sure – for two reasons,“ the intelligence officer replied.
“Firstly, the court rulings were deliberately made in the pro- Russian separatist region of Luhansk. In doing so, Moscow is once again demonstrating the legal independence of the region. Secondly, the separatists are using our fighters as a shield against our attacks to recapture Luhansk. They accept the proximity to the front line, as they have barricaded themselves well on the ground and are protected by S-300 anti-aircraft missiles. So, they feel quite safe and don‘t seriously expect a liberation operation.“ 

“And why should our operation be successful in this Russian hell?“ asked the Chief of Staff, looking at Iris, the man in charge of the operation.
“We have taken extensive precautionary measures on the ground and in the air and are planning to land helicopters in the prison yard.“ 

“Helicopters landing directly at the target location? Like when Bin Laden was captured? Do you really think, Iris, that that would work here too?“
“We are aware, Sir, that our situation is more difficult. The US operation was about capturing one person in a residential building in a neutral country that was also informed. In our case, however, the aim is to free eight of our international fighters from enemy captivity, who are being held in a well- guarded prison wing. And unlike the operation in Pakistan, we have a much riskier route of approach.“ 

“Indeed, you‘re right, Iris. It‘s very risky, perhaps even distracting. In the end, we‘ll not only have dead prisoners, but also dead liberators.“
“To minimize the risk of detection, we will arrive in a low- altitude night flight operation. We have three ground teams that will disable or turn off the air defense systems for at least twenty-four hours while we cross the border. Twelve of our spies are working in Luhansk, loyal Ukrainians with Russian passports. One of them, a woman doctor, has access to the prison and reports that all the prisoners are wounded but transportable. During the assault on the building, a night- vision-capable-drone from a friendly country will hover over the target and provide the team and our operations center here with up-to-date images. But the best is yet to come.“ He pointed to the head of the secret service, who, aware of his important statement, took off his glasses and looked around the room. 

“Nika is also in prison!“
Surprised, incredulous silence.
“Nika Petrov, our commander of the 72nd Mechanized Brigade from Wuhledar?“ the Chief of Staff asked, as if he had misheard.
“But Nika was declared dead!“, he said.
“That‘s what we all thought,“ Iris replied. “But that‘s not the case.“
Everyone in the room was aware of the great tank battle. The clever Nika had blocked the suspected deployment route with destroyed tanks, forcing the approaching Russian soldiers into the mined side fields. There they were met and destroyed by his anti-tank teams. The destroyed tanks hindered the others.
When everything came to a standstill and the soldiers fled from the tanks, the defenders struck. With no alternatives, the Russians sent new waves of tanks for days, which were shot down again by Nika‘s troops. 5,000 dead Russian soldiers, 130 lost war machines, including over forty tanks and troop carriers.
The famous 155th Marine Brigade of the Russian Pacific Fleet was almost completely wiped out. 

After that, Nika‘s trail was lost in days of long urban fighting. He could no longer be found. 

The Chief of the General Staff was visibly moved, “My goodness, … our hero is alive! How long have we known that?“
“Exactly one hour ago, straight from prison,“ replied the secret service agent. 

“How is he?“
“He‘s been shot through the shoulder near the spine and is in a solitary cell. Two by two meters without light, a bucket as a toilet, special Russian VIP treatment.“ 

The Chief of the General Staff pinched his mouth tightly shut and said, “I realize that. Czar Ivan will never forgive him for that. The loss of the elite unit was almost as painful for him as the destruction of his Crimean bridge.” 

Her turned to intelligence chief, “Which nations are the other men from?“
“Besides the German, a US citizen, a Canadian, two Czechs, a Pole, a Belarusian and a Georgian. We have already received inquiries from all the countries concerned about how we want to deal with the problem. 

“I can understand their concerns. They are mainly worried about not being suspected of having their own soldiers in our war,“ the chief of the general staff commented, flipping through the profiles of the captured legionnaires. 

“What I am reading here is clear. All but the Polish man have a military background, these two even have a background as elite soldiers. The German is from the Special Forces Command and the American from the US Navy SEALs. But that only interests me marginally. These guys are fighting with a Ukrainian insignia, and for that reason alone we cannot abandon them.“ 

He dialed the number of Ukrainian President Bohdan Sapronoff and informed him of the situation.
“What do you recommend?“ asked the president, a former actor who surprisingly won the election but had no idea that he would soon become wartime President of Ukraine. 

“A rescue operation, Mr. President.“
“How do you propose to do that and what are the chances?“ The Chief of the General Staff explained the plan,
“Iris will be the commander. The chances are over 50 percent. There is only this one window of opportunity.“
A moment of silence on the phone.
“Okay,“ said Bohdan Sapronoff. “Green light for the operation. Get the men out! All the necessary weapons and resources are authorized. The affected relatives will be informed after the rescue, not before. Nothing must leak to the public. Good luck to all of you!“
“Thank you, Mr. President!“ 

The operational precision work began immediately. A second helicopter would fly in parallel as a backup.
Marc Anderson received an intelligence briefing on the prison wing in the barracks and the security, studied the photos of the prisoners and discussed the plan for the rescue of the eight soldiers with Iris. 

His operational skills quickly became evident quickly. Iris then appointed him as his deputy for the operation. 

After being outfitted and hair cut short, Marc looked like one of them. Little Iris looked up at his 6‘5“ tall new friend. “Wow! How should I address you? Teuton? Blitzkrieg? … No, your name is Gladiator, Marc the Gladiator! Welcome to your new arena!“ 

“Stop the nonsense, Iris! I don‘t want this! I am Marc and nothing else, understood?“ 

Iris had drunk the vodka in one go and laughed when he saw Marc just sipping from the glass. 


“Twenty minutes!“ signaled the co-pilot. The helicopter turned hard at the edge of a forest and descended into a clearing.
Marc closed his eyes. He always felt the same tension before a mission. Although, as always, everything was well thought out. Everything had been carefully planned. The ground intelligence was good. As a precaution, the female doctor was not informed about the pending rescue of the prisoners. The entire operation was based on strict secrecy, surprise, and speed. The helicopters had to be back in the air in a maximum of five minutes, after which the barracked soldiers were expected to attack. 

A lot could go wrong here and despite all the combat experience of these Ukrainian elite soldiers, the Soviet command-oriented training in the system was unmistakable. Too little independent action, too much focus on the superior, too little dynamic behavior adapted to the situation. 

Thank God Iris knew what Marc was talking about and had assembled a team of English-speaking men with experience in Western countries. They had rehearsed the storming of the building for three nights under all possible scenarios. 

“Ten minutes!“ the first pilot now signaled. 

Marc thought of Jelke in Hamburg. After their marriage, he had promised her that he would finally stop playing “war games“, as she called them. 

Now he was sitting here in an old Russian helicopter over enemy territory, in a camouflage uniform with no insignia, acting as a hybrid combat soldier. Worse than his days in the German Special Forces Command. 

He wondered whether the drug of one for all, all for one had taken hold of him again.
No, that wasn‘t it. That time had definitely ended with the murder of his first wife, Karina Marie. His military service was history, he was done with it. Neither a tricky security assignment from the business world nor requests from SEAL friends could change this attitude. The last mission was to get Tom out today, who was always more to him than a friend or comrade in military operations. He was his brother. 

Iris had told him that Tom was one of the most capable soldiers in the International Legion, popular for his restraint and empathy. Marc had expected nothing less. If everything went well, he would have him in the helicopter in half an hour and he himself would be back in Hamburg with Jelke and his daughter Pia in three days. 

At that moment, the helicopter was pulled to one side. “Missile attack!“ shouted the commander. 


Since his departure, Marc hadn‘t made contact. Although it had been agreed that he would be offline during his mission, Jelke had a hard time dealing with it. She knew it was about Tom, who was in captivity and sentenced to death. It was a shock for her too, as she had a long-standing friendship with Tom. 

Tom and the men from his Maritime Security Services had rescued Marc from certain death in a tunnel in Syria. His wife Karina Marie, also her best friend, had been murdered and their child Pia had been kidnapped. Marc had been on a desperate search for his daughter.
What a time it had been. 

Afterwards, Marc had shown clear signs of post-traumatic stress disorder. His appointment of blame, the dramatic rescue of Pia, the gradually growing love between Jelke and Marc, their wedding and Marc‘s cautious return to his company – all that was behind them. 

Jelke wondered whether the current mission had reopened old wounds in him.
“What happened to Tom in Ukraine could happen to you now, Marc,“ she thought, trying to suppress the thought. 

In vain.
She was afraid.
To distract herself, she played Solitaire on her computer. But her restlessness remained and even grew stronger. Her fear fantasies increased, she dreamed of terrible scenarios in which she saw him badly wounded in a Russian prison. 

Jelke paced back and forth in the living room. She switched on the ntv news – app on her smartphone and opened the “The latest“ section. She did that constantly.
There was nothing to indicate her husband‘s involvement. She needed to talk to someone and thought of calling Marc‘s sister, Edith. 

She dialed her number but then aborted the call. Marc had asked her not to talk to anyone about his mission.
She felt like she was in a cage. Knowing nothing but condemned to silence. 

A slight anger rose up inside her. That would never happen to her again! This man had to be protected from himself. He magically attracted disasters and then set off on a rescue mission. This combination was obviously a part of his gene. 

At the same moment, she felt sorry for her thoughts. It was Marc‘s job in the company to prevent security crises and resolve them with his former elite soldiers when they occurred. And the tragedy with his wife had not been foreseeable. Who could have known that Karina Marie, as a hotel manager on the ship of US President George F. Summerhill, would suddenly fall into the hands of brutal kidnappers? Who could have guessed that the Iranian ringleader of the Revolutionary Guards had survived and would seek revenge on Marc‘s family? 

This series of disasters had to stop! On the other hand, she couldn‘t chain Marc down. Her husband lived for crisis management. 

The mental movie started again, “Sentenced to death … in captivity … Russians … Massacre …“
She couldn‘t stand it any longer and dialed his number. Her heart faced wildly when she heard the ringtone. 

“Pick up, please, pick up!“ Answering machine.
She hung up in despair. 


“Yes, we are unharmed, machine okay. But fuck! We‘ve been discovered! Shall we abort the mission?”
“You can continue flying. Our ground team has just reported that this last S-300 on your way has been disabled.“ 

A few minutes later, they were back in the air. Marc tried to spot the second escort helicopter in the diffuse moonlight, but it remained invisible. They were now flying in a wild zigzag course while the teams clung tightly to their seats. The lights of the city of Luhansk passed by. 

Iris gave the signal to get ready.
Marc breathed in deeply for four seconds using the SEALs‘ breathing technique. He let the air flow into his stomach with his mouth closed, held his breath there for another four seconds and then exhaled slowly through his mouth while counting to four again.
Just as he was holding his breath to hold it for another four seconds, a sound like a chainsaw shook the helicopter. Marc could see through the window that they had obviously crashed into the barracks. The helicopter tipped over on its side, the engines howling as if in a last death cry, while the disoriented men hung in their harnesses. 

In the rear of the helicopter, where four men were sitting a jet of flame shot up. 


“For heaven‘s sake, what‘s happening?“ shouted the Chief of Staff. The people in the operations center had jumped to their feet.
“The rotor blades touched the barracks wall,“ the intelligence chief responded, stunned. 

The helicopter was standing in a clearing in the forest with its rotor running. “Sorry, guys for that hasty landing! They discovered us and launched an S-300 missile at us! That was damn close!“ shouted the commander to the rear. 

The teams breathed a sigh of relief and sank back into their seats.
Iris contacted the officer in the command center.
“Are you all right?“ he asked with concern. 

Through Iris‘s helmet camera, they saw the men scrambled out through the overhead door.
“Get out of here, the thing is about to blow!“ they heard him shout. 

“One, two, three …“
The intelligence chief counted to ten.
“They‘re all outside, including the crew!“ he commented. The explosion of the helicopter threw the men to the ground and illuminated the monitors.
“That‘s it then!“ whispered an operator at the monitors to his colleague.
The Chief of the General Staff considered for a moment whether he should order a retreat, especially as the second helicopter had just reached the ground, which was brightly lit by the fire, unscathed.
As if the intelligence chief had guessed the general‘s thoughts, he shook his head in the negative. It was agreed that Iris and Marc would retain full responsibility, regardless of the situation. But one thing was certain, the crash had not only woken up the barracks, but half the city.
Iris pulled himself up and got an overview. The target building was brightly lit. He saw armed men and heard orders.
Iris looked down the main barracks street, the lights were coming on there too.
Shouts, first shots!
“We can‘t do this alone, Iris!“ Marc called out to him. “Plan B!“
Iris nodded and called into the microphone,
“Terminator – Terminator – Terminator!“
“Terminator confirmed!“ came the reply immediately. 

The two teams approached the two-story building while the helicopter pilots provided fire cover. Iris signaled to Marc that his group should take the right entrance, while he himself took the left. The first attacking enemy soldiers ran straight into their fire. The eight men of the commando were leaning against the wall of the house.
Show of hands. 

First team in!
“One – Two – Three – Four – Secure!”
Situation overview.
Fire on approaching soldiers, explosives, screams.
Slowly both teams moved towards the cells on the upper floor, covering each other.
“Come up here!“ a woman‘s voice called out. Iris immediately recognized the doctor, his informant, by her shoulder-length blonde hair. She threw him a key, and cried, when she was hit by a shot at the same moment and collapsed.
Iris was about to rush to her when he heard the voice of the threat operator in his headset,
“Over a hundred soldiers approaching, ten armored personnel carriers as well!“
Iris‘s Alpha team was first at the doors. The doctor‘s key made blasting unnecessary.
In a few minutes, all the doors were open. The freed prisoners rushed towards their rescuers. Marc and Tom looked at each other for a moment. Marc tossed him the submachine gun of a killed soldier and immediately pushed him to the ground as new attackers took aim at them.
Iris and Marc signaled to each other that all the cells were empty, but one of the eight prisoners was missing.
They were way behind schedule. An armada was approaching from outside. They had to get to their intact helicopter immediately, whose rotors they could hear. But they were trapped. Leaving now would be suicide. The first grenades hit.
Marc saw that Iris was bleeding heavily on his right arm. Iris waved him off, not important. Tom crawled over to him. No time to take off his jacket, but the wound looked worse than Iris had indicated. Tom tore a piece from his upper thigh bandage and tied Iris‘s arm. Iris nodded gratefully.
The two teams squatted with the freed men in the building in front of the doors. 

“Hopefully,“ thought Marc. “Hopefully the replacement helicopter stays intact, otherwise that‘s it.“
The sound of chains and engines of the approaching tanks could now be heard clearly. Just a few salvos and the building would be in ruins. 

They exchanged glances. The situation was clear to everyone, including the seven liberated men who had just felt the breath of freedom and were lying between their rescuers with captured weapons. 

Marc suddenly had a sense of déjà vu. 

Iraq, failed hostage rescue, Tom at his side, masses of soldiers running towards them, two against hundreds, a hopeless situation, waiting for a miracle …
Marc pulled himself out of his thoughts. He looks around. There was no going forward, no going back. Both teams were trapped, waiting for the attackers, who were now breaking through the doors. 

“Fire!“ Iris shouted.
The first attackers collapsed, were overrun by others, and stormed up to the liberators.
Aim, shoot, take cover, change position.
The next waves of enemies stormed into the building. The unequal battle was hopeless.
Marc suddenly felt horrified that he might not survive this, his last fight. A cold wave crept over the back of his neck and into his head. Was this really going to be it?
Iris and Marc looked at each other briefly. Shooting everything empty, close combat, that was all they could do.
Marc held his body protectively over the wounded Tom. 

“Marc, I believe in miracles, like in Iraq,“ he shouted into the noise.
He would be proven right.
A roar in the air. The thunderous noise of the two MiG- 29 fighter jets flying over the barracks, followed by the explosions of the bombs, changed everything. “Terminator“ had worked at the very last moment. 

The terminal attack controller at the operations center in Kiev directed the Ukrainian pilots using live images from the drone. The approaching unit stopped during the very first attack and vehicles were hurled through the air. Soldiers fled in panic. 

The teams watched through the broken doors and windows as the fighter planes swept past.
Marc, a pilot himself, thought how difficult it must be for the pilots to find this small barracks in the city and to fight precisely with the outdated MiGs. He knew that the resourceful Ukrainians were doing their job with purchased portable navigation devices and had mounted Western missiles under their MiGs. 

The attackers sought cover. A second and third air raid on the barracks followed. Then it became quiet.
Area clear!“, reported the MiG 29-formation leader.
The Chief of the General Staff watched with relief as the two teams rushed out to the intact helicopter. A soldier from the Alpha team was supporting Iris, whose face was now pale. Marc had Tom slung over his shoulder, who could barely walk. The helicopter pilots threw up their arms. 

“In with you!“
A few hundred meters further on, tanks broke through the damaged wall and searched for targets. 

Marc was about to be the last to jump into the helicopter when he saw a person with long blond hair lying on the ground in the entrance to the prison building, her arm raised powerlessly. But she was waving. 

The doctor!
He assessed the situation with a view of the tanks, ran back, grabbed the doctor under the fire of his comrades and reached the helicopter, which was already hovering in the air. Six men‘s arms pulled them both in as the tanks fired their first volleys.
The helicopter descended behind the wall and disappeared into the darkness of the night. 

The pilots flew the shortest possible route back in the hope that rising Russian fighters and missiles would be detected by their own Iris -T SLM and Patriot anti-aircraft weapons. The wounded Commander Iris looked at the faces of those who had been freed. He looked and counted again. Then he looked at Marc, who had also registered every single person on board. 

Both knew at this moment that a significant part of the operation had failed.
Iris spoke in his phone, “Command Center from Leader!“ “Leader, go ahead! “, answered the Chief of the General. Iris reported to Kiev, “Operation completed, a total of four people slightly injured, also our agent, the doctor is with us.” “Excellent, Iris! Welldone!“ 

“Thanks Sir. The bad news – one prisoner is missing.“ “Who‘s missing?“ asked the Chief of Staff.
“Nika, he wasn‘t in the building.“ 

The intelligence officer looked at the visibly depressed general. 

“Why so upset? At least we got everyone else back alive. It‘s a historic embarrassment for the Russians!“
“Certainly,“ said the general. “But my gut also tells me that the Nika Petrov chapter has only just begun.”


About The Author

Jörg H. Trauboth, born in 1943 near Berlin, logged over two thousand flight hours as a Weapon Systems Officer Instructor in the Luftwaffe, flying PHANTOM F-4F / RF-4E and TORNADO fighter jets, and over 3000 hours in light aircraft. At the age of fifty, he left the service with the rank of Colonel in the General Staff. He received training as a Special Risk Consultant from the English Control Risk Group and served as Managing Director Germany, dealing with extortion and kidnapping cases in South America and Eastern Europe. Shortly thereafter, he founded his own consulting firm, quickly establishing an outstanding international reputation. Trauboth protected his clients with a 24-hour task force during product extortions, product recalls, kidnappings, and image crises. He was the first President of the European Crisis Management Academy in Vienna and President of the American Yankee Association.


He is known as a respected expert in the media on security-related topics. He volunteers as an emergency counselor and is a member of the Crisis Intervention Team (KIT Bonn) of the German Foreign Office. He is a private pilot, married, with two sons and three grandchildren.


In 2002, Trauboth wrote the now out of print standard work “Crisis Management for Company Threats”.


In 2016 the follow-up work was published with Jörg H. Trauboth as editor in collaboration with five authors: “Crisis Management in Companies and Public Institutions”.


Terror expert J. H. Trauboth presented his debut novel in 2015 with the Germany thriller “Three Brothers”. (Available in English). In 2019 “Operation Jerusalem” followed and in 2020 “Omega”. The trilogy is about the former elite soldier Marc Anderson and his team. With these three self-contained thrillers, Trauboth is rated by many readers as the “German Tom Clancy.” The trilogy is available as a printed edition, eBook and audio book.


His first detective novel, “Jakobs Weg” (German), followed in 2021. The highly explosive topic of “sexual abuse of children” is processed sensitively in a scenario on the Way of Saint James and at the end offers contact options for those seeking help.


In 2022, the novella “Bonjour Saint-Ex” was published (German) in which the passionate pilot Jörg H. Trauboth turns the last flight of the legend Antoine de Saint Exupéry into an exciting literary event.


Readers wanted a sequel to the Marc Anderson series. In 2023, ZarenTod – Das Ende der Präsidenten was published, a highly topical political thriller. The Russian president and new tsar, Ivan Pavlenko, suddenly shows his true face during the war in Ukraine. He wants the old Soviet Union back. The world is on the brink. The influential oligarch, Alexei Sokolov, wants to prevent Ivan’s megalomaniac plans and is planning a fundamental new beginning for Russia. To achieve this, the Russian president must be removed. But the plan goes awry. Ex-elite soldier Marc Anderson intervenes. Will Czar Ivan die? What will become of Europe? The book 8/ 2024 in English „The Death of the Kremlin Czar” is the fourth political thriller in the Marc Anderson series.


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First Chapter Review: HOW SOON IS NOW? by Paul Carnahan #firstchapterreview #HowSoonIsNow

October 09, 2024 0 Comments


Thanks for visiting Literarily Speaking! 
Today's post is a first chapter review for  HOW SOON IS NOW?, Paul Carnahan's latest contemporary fantasy/time travel novel. First, a little about the book....

Author: Paul Carnahan
Publisher: Tobasmuss Ink
Pages: 462
Genre: Contemporary Fantasy/Time Travel

A troubled ex-journalist launches a perilous mission into his own past after being recruited by a mysterious group of time travelers.

Luke Seymour uncovers the secrets of the eccentric Nostalgia Club as he battles to solve the riddle of their missing leader, honing his newly discovered – and dangerously addictive – talent for time travel and plunging ever deeper into his own time stream … where the terrible mistake that scarred his life is waiting.

Set in Glasgow and Edinburgh in the 1980s, 1990s and near-present, ‘How Soon Is Now?’ is a gripping new novel loaded with unforgettable characters, intricate storytelling, dark humour and a unique twist on the mechanics of time travel – all moving towards a powerful and emotional climax.

Available at:

Amazon U.S.: 

Amazon U.K.: 


Quirky book cover. I liked it.


"Now that I was in the middle of it, it might at least make a funny story to help break the ice with Alison and Malcolm. ‘How’s it done, then? You just make a wish and go flying off into the middle of next week?’"


"Your past is waiting to be explored, Mr Seymour. All of it."



Luke Seymour finds a note in his jacket pocket that tells him to "meet us" at Thrawn Laddie, Edinburgh, 7.30pm Wednesday. He forgets the note until a few days later and decides to check out the address since he had no idea who wrote it and why it was written to him. He shows up and orders a beer. Then another. Finally he tells the bartender his name and asks if anyone had been asking for him. The bartender says no but then tells him it might be a group instead of an individual and points to a door. The Nostalgia Club he tells him. Luke finds his way to the room and is let inside. After many introductions, they asked him if he felt he was on the right path. He knew that had to be a no. They tell him they are time travelers. But they aren't conventional time travelers as you find out as you read further into this first chapter.


What a really neat concept. I figured time traveling would involve going into the future but no it involves time traveling to the past if I understood right. The author, Paul Carnahan, was certainly thinking outside the box. 


Until I read the first chapter, I didn't realize that this didn't involve time traveling to the future but instead time traveling to the past to clear up some past haunts if you may. You can imagine all the things you could do with this. Now I can't wait to get my hands on the rest of the story. I would definitely keep reading!

You can read the full chapter here and pick up your own personal copy below!


Paul Carnahan was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and grew up in the new town of Cumbernauld. After studying journalism in Edinburgh, he began a decades-long career in local and national newspapers.

‘How Soon Is Now?’ is his first novel. The second, the Britpop-era romance ‘End of a Century’, will be released early in 2025, and a third is currently a work in progress.

Website & Social Media:





Book Spotlight | Book Tour: Stele Prophecy Pentalogy Series by Randy C. Dockens #spotlight #booktour

October 08, 2024 0 Comments



The earthly and the divine come together in a futuristic harmony we can only imagine...

Stele Prophecy Pentalogy Series Description

A series of five stories run the gamut of emotional themes: struggling with anger, the desire to belong, one seeking destiny, complicated love, and being blinded by pride. Each cleverly crafted story demonstrates unbelievable technology where the earthly and divine merge into an amazing and unforgettable future.

Kalem lives through the death of his brother by the hand of the King which occurred when he was very young. Now that he is older and can act, he is emotionally torn between his anger over his brother’s death and the love he is finding in someone who supports the King. Two prophecies stand before him. The one he wholeheartedly believes in places his life in danger just as it had for his brother. The other is safer but requires him to live a lie. How can he choose which direction to take? Yet he must choose before his fate is sealed.

Edvin experiences heartbreak during troubled times as his sister-in-law loses her unborn baby and his girlfriend dies from plane crash injuries. Yet he is not the only one. Thousands around the globe experience the same events happening in their lives and to their loved ones. How can he make sense of the apocalyptic world in which he now lives? Yet an unexpected destiny awaits him.

Ya’akov gets approved for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, but he gets caught in a nightmare of manipulation and deceit, which ultimately leaves him abandoned at sea not remembering who he is or how he got there. Despite such a start, he finds a destiny greater than anything he had ever dreamed possible.

Princess Me’ira breaks protocol and falls in love with someone not vetted by prescribed law. Her decision will yield unpreventable heartache to either herself or to those closest to her. While unknown to her, the decision she makes sets a future in motion she could never have anticipated.

Janet discovers how to increase teleporter efficiency to an all-time high, but her work is rejected by the King. Her selfish pride sets in motion a plan of revenge that has devastating consequences far greater than she ever imagined.

Each story is stand-alone, yet they all intertwine into a unique whole that paints a picture of a future time in which we may all find ourselves one day.

The Stele Prophecy Pentalogy Series is available at Amazon.

Title: Mercy of the Iron Scepter (Book 1)
Author: Randy C. Dockens
Publisher: Carpenter’s Son Publishing
Publication Date: 01-Feb-2019
Pages: 450
Genre: Christian Fiction

After Kalem lives through the death of his brother by the hand of the King which occurred over a decade ago, he is now torn. Two prophecies stand before him. The one he wholeheartedly believes in places his life in danger just as it had for his brother. The other is safer but requires him to live a lie.
Kalem, an archaeologist, has unearthed steles which tell of a prophecy about a coming Overtaker who will oust the current king and bring everyone total freedom avoiding a coming apocalypse. He becomes close to Angela, the woman supposedly the key to fulfilling this stele prophecy, desires a romantic relationship with her, but is hesitant to act on his feelings. Her belief in the current king takes Kalem down an alternative view of the prophecy where the current king will bring everyone into an even better future home after saving all from annihilation. Can Kalem exonerate his brother and bring the justice he had always dreamed of? Or will he find his life is being manipulated to prevent the true prophecy from being fulfilled? Unfortunately, he finds deception in places he never would have suspected.
Mercy of the Iron Scepter is the first book of a new biblical end times prophecy series entitled Stele Prophecy Pentalogy by futuristic fiction author Randy C Dockens. This is not your typical speculative fiction novel about biblical end times prophecy as it combines bible prophecy with futuristic advances in science to describe a future home that is agrarian but also technologically advanced, like citizens using a teleporter. Plus, it provides a romantic read with a little tension added in to make it interesting.  

Mercy of the Iron Scepter is available at Amazon.

Book Excerpt:

Excerpt from Chapter 20: 

 After dessert, Melana excused herself, and Peter offered to escort her home. Shortly after, Ilana and Robert left together. Kalem and Angela stayed a little longer, but after a short time, Angela said she had to return home; Kalem offered to walk her. They said their goodbyes.
Kalem and Angela walked in silence. Kalem could tell something was on her mind, but didn’t know what or how to ask.
“Kalem, can we go somewhere and talk?”
“We can talk as we walk, can’t we?”
“Yes, but I have a feeling this may take a while. Ilana and Robert may be at the apartment. Why don’t we go to the Overlook?”
Kalem looked at her with furrowed brow. “OK.” They turned at the next block, toward the temple complex, and then turned south toward the Overlook. “Is something wrong, Angela?”
“No. But I feel we dance around our feelings for each other, and I would like to clear the air.”

Kalem swallowed—hard. He hoped this wouldn’t mean an end to their relationship. His palms became clammy.
“I’m sorry, Kalem. If I sound like I’m defensive or hurt, I’m not. We see each other so infrequently. When we do, it seems we start to make a connection and, once again, you’re off on another adventure. We don’t communicate beyond surface stuff until we see each other again, and then it all starts over. I would like to know how you feel and where we stand. I don’t have any expectations. Your friendship is important to me.”
They turned the corner and arrived at the Overlook. Kalem motioned for Angela to sit next to him. He gazed at her. My, she is so beautiful. Why can’t I commit? After a while, she said, in a soft tone, “What?”
“The night lights make your hair glisten—and you look almost angelic.”
Angela smiled. “Well, that’s a nice start.”
Kalem smiled back and cleared his throat. “Angela, to be honest, I’ve been attracted to you from day one. I felt guilty, you being younger. Also, you’re so tight with Peter, who’s my nephew. It all felt . . . a little uncomfortable.”
“Well, I can understand that. But I’m only four years younger. Yes, it made a difference when we first met, but I’m now twenty, which makes both of us in our twenties. Is that too far apart? I don’t think Mom and Mik’kel would complain over our age difference when their ages are so, so . . . so much wider.”
Kalem laughed. “In comparison to Raina and Mik’kel, our birthdays are identical.” Kalem paused and became more serious. “I get that, but you’re part of the family—”
“Kalem, I’m not part of the family. Yes, I love them . . . desperately. Raina is the only mom I remember. From an emotional standpoint, we are family, but not by blood. There’s nothing taboo about us having feelings for each other, if that’s where you’re going.”
“But the perception is there.”
“Don’t confuse perception with reality. I don’t think anyone, or anyone who matters, would care if we became serious. But there’s another issue we need to discuss.”
“Oh?” Kalem’s voice got softer. “There’s something else I need to overcome?”
“No.” Angela matched his softer tone. “It’s something I have to decide how to deal with. Kalem, I really, really like you. I know that makes you uncomfortable, but I want to put it all on the line here. There’s a bigger issue than feeling you’re falling for your nephew’s sister.”

Kalem looked at Angela. She didn’t hold his gaze. He could now feel every thud of his heartbeat—knowing he was about to hear something he didn’t want to hear.
“Kalem, I’ve accepted our King as both my Lord and my future hope. You may have accepted him as your Lord, but not as the one to secure your future. That’s a big deal to me.”
She looked back into his eyes; he continued to stare into hers.
“Kalem, please say something.”
She reached out and put her hand on his. He didn’t move—couldn’t move. He finally took a deep breath, took Angela’s hand, and spoke while running his fingers over hers. “Angela, I don’t know what to say. I also really, really like you.”
He looked up and gave a weak smile. “I admit I did feel weird about that. So many things have proven strange for me. When I met the King, he turned out to be totally different from what I expected. Actually . . . ” Kalem gave a short laugh. “Very different from what I expected. I’ve been involved with the steles for so long, maybe it’s all scrambled my brain. I don’t know.”
He gave a short shrug. “I’ve thought many times about why I can’t accept the King as the hope for my future. But there’s something there. I can’t explain it or put my finger on it.”
Kalem forced another smile. “Robert told me once how I have to know the outcome before I’m willing to commit to something. Robert said I can never know what it’s like being connected to the King in the special way he’s connected to those who accept him, until I put my trust in him. I want to commit to him and to you, but I can’t—not yet, anyway.”
Angela’s eyes grew wet with tears.
Kalem felt so guilty, but at the same time, he needed to be honest. “Angela, I’m so sorry. I don’t want to hurt you.”
He let go of her hand, and didn’t know what to do next.
“Sorry, Kalem. I didn’t mean to cry. I don’t understand.” Angela choked up again.
“I don’t know how to explain it, Angela. I hope I can, one day. I have to know about the prophecy on these steles first. Once I know their message, I think I can understand . . . things.”
Angela became teary again. “And what if you never understand?”
“I don’t know. I don’t want to lose you as a friend, though.”
Tears trickled down Angela’s cheeks. “You only want to be friends?”
“No. No, that’s not what I meant.” 
Kalem looked at her, his heart almost breaking, knowing he was causing her pain. He took her hands in his again and rubbed his fingers over hers. His voice became low and hushed. “Angela, you said accepting the King as my future hope is important to you. I understand that, but I can’t make such a step—yet. I can’t disrespect you and pretend so we can be together. That wouldn’t be fair.”
Angela nodded, but the tears kept flowing. “Can I at least have a hug?”
“Oh, Angela, yes. Yes, of course.” Kalem held her in his arms; she sobbed and his eyes watered. “I’m sorry, Angela. I’m so sorry.”
He hoped she felt his love for her in his embrace. He knew she wouldn’t give in, and he wouldn’t want her to, but neither could he. Not yet. After several minutes, she stopped sobbing and pulled away from his shoulder.
“I think I’m better now.” She gave a weak smile and sniffled between words. “Can you walk me home?”
Kalem helped her up and held her close. This was odd. They had essentially broken up—or had they, if they were never officially together? At the same time, he felt closer to her than ever. He continued to hold her close to him as they walked to her apartment.
Along the way, he said, “Angela, I do care for you.”
“I know,” was all Angela whispered in return.


Title: Promised Kingdom
Author: Randy C. Dockens
Publisher: Carpenter’s Son Publishing
Publication Date: March 19, 2019
Pages: 379
Genre: Christian Fiction

As Edvin discovers his sister-in-law losing her unborn baby and his girlfriend dying from plane crash injuries, he learns the exact same experience is happening to others around the globe. 

Edvin’s deepest desires crumble before him: wanting to get into Swedish Special Forces and marry the girl of his dreams. All that seems hopeless now amid all the Revelation times chaos happening around him. A new type of leader emerges who has great personal skills and ideas in how to bring the world together again, better than ever. Edvin's future begins to look up as he is recruited into the new elite world forces unit under this leader and becomes his trusted ally. Edvin even has a romantic encounter again, which turns serious but must remain hidden as he finds she is part of a targeted group of people this new leader turns against. Edvin finds his new leader darker in personality than he realized and soon finds himself on this leader's enemy list. Can Edvin, his family, and friends survive through all the continuing chaos happening around them and against this leader he once called a friend? Or will heartache find him once again?

Promised Kingdom, the first prequel to Mercy of the Iron Scepter, is the second book of a new biblical end times prophecy series entitled Stele Prophecy Pentalogy by futuristic fiction author Randy C Dockens. This is not your typical speculative fiction novel about Christian end times fiction as described in Revelation depicting a future home as it also combines other Bible prophecies presenting a cohesive chronological view of biblical prophecy that feels realistic in its presentation. Plus, it presents a romantic read showing how love gives strength to persevere through chaotic times.

Promised Kingdom is available at Amazon.

Book Excerpt:

Excerpt from Chapter 24:

Edvin looked around. He saw the Ziggurat of Knowledge in the distance. How did I get here? He walked toward the ziggurat but came to a pit with smoke coming out of it. He peeked over the edge but could see no bottom. More and more smoke came from the pit and rose into the sky. He heard a noise coming from the pit which grew louder and louder, sounding like an advancing army. Edvin saw a swarm of something rising. As they exited the pit, Edvin stumbled and fell backwards. Lopions—thousands of them—flew from the pit into the sky. He heard a voice coming from somewhere, but nowhere. Go. Possess your counterpart. Target those without my seal. Harm not the earth—only those who refuse the truth.
Edvin stared in amazement as so many exited the pit. One flew out of the pit, turned, and headed straight toward him. He stood back up and walked backwards. The lopion kept coming towards him. He turned and ran. He could hear the lopion gaining ground on him. Edvin knew the pain which awaited him. His heart raced with the adrenaline surge, and sweat from the anxiety bled through his shirt. He glanced back. It was almost on him. He ran with all his might. He glanced back again. It was landing on his shoulder. He waved his hand over his shoulder frantically trying to prevent it from landing. When he looked ahead, he came to an abrupt stop. The lopion touched him and vanished.
Before him stood one of the most hideous creatures he had ever seen. It appeared black as midnight with highlights of deep purple. The body looked like a horse but had a lion’s head breathing out dark smoke. Its tail seemed to have a mind of its own. It moved more like a snake rather than the tail of a horse. The smell of sulfur coming from the creature was pungent and thick. It became difficult to breathe. Is this what Ranata had seen?

 The veins in Edvin’s neck were throbbing with the beat of his heart. He wanted to run, but his body seemed to be transfixed in place. The creature slowly turned towards him. Its deep black eyes locked with his and it slowly advanced toward him. Although his feet felt like stone, he backed away from the advancing creature. He heard the voice again. Go. Kill. Target those who refuse the truth.
The creature kept advancing toward Edvin more and more quickly. Edvin didn’t know what to do except try and run even though he knew escape was impossible. He turned, but again stopped short. There stood Ranata. Her pale complexion, expressionless face, and empty stare made Edvin shudder. The index finger of her outstretch hand pointed directly at him.
“You, Edvin. You knew the truth and didn’t tell me. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Edvin’s voice caught in his throat; regret sinking into his soul. “I . . . uh . . . Ranata. I’m . . . I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Tears formed and trickled down his cheeks. He reached out to her, but she remained resolute in her hard stare and pointing finger.
“You killed me, Edvin.”

Edvin shook his head; his vision blurred with tears. “No, Ranata. No.”
“You knew the truth but didn’t tell me. You. It was you who killed me.”
Edvin’s heart sank and he felt as heavy as concrete. Is she right? Is it my fault?
“Edvin. Edvin.”

 The voice was not coming from Ranata. It also wasn’t the looming voice from before. It seemed to be from far away. He felt his body being shaken.

“Edvin. Wake up. You’re dreaming. Can you hear me?”
Edvin opened his eyes. Slowly the form of Elsbeth came into focus. He grabbed her and hugged her tightly.
“Edvin, are you OK?”
Edvin released his grip. “I’ve never had such a horrible nightmare.”

Title: Hope Renewed
Author: Randy C. Dockens
Publisher: Carpenter’s Son Publishing
Publication Date: September 17, 2019
Pages: 265
Genre: Christian Fiction

After Ya’akov gets approval for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, he gets caught in a nightmare of manipulation and deceit, ultimately leaving him abandoned at sea not remembering who he is or how he got there.
Ya'akov has forgotten he is the first person born into this once future home, now called the King’s Promised Kingdom, and is destined to become the first priest of the kingdom. His dissatisfaction and disillusionment with his prescribed destiny are what puts him on this adventure encouraged by the King for him to gain perspective. He is rescued by a family who takes care of him while he recovers. As he rediscovers himself, he gains a new perspective on his life and on what true love means. Yet, if his memory returns, will he remember his bitter outlook on life, or keep his renewed perspective and the hope he has gained? Will he now embrace his destiny or abandon it all together?
Hope Renewed, the second prequel to Mercy of the Iron Scepter, is the third book of a new biblical end times prophecy series entitled Stele Prophecy Pentalogy by futuristic fiction author Randy C Dockens. This is not your typical speculative fiction in a biblical end times novel as it combines prophecy of biblical future worship practices with advances in science to describe a future home that is technologically advanced providing a science fiction feel to the story. Plus, it presents a romantic read as it shows how love needs truth to make it grow and have purpose.
Hope Renewed is available at Amazon.

Book Excerpt:

Excerpt from Chapter 18:

As they walked on, they passed Kowhai trees with their beautiful golden yellow flowers as well as rata trees with their flowers showing off a brilliant crimson. They also passed meadows sprinkled with a variety of colorful wildflowers, such as verbena, which in some places were a sea of purple amid green grass. Other colors were the vibrant orange of Indian cress, the soft blue of periwinkle, and the sparkling white of white clover. Hadassah picked several flowers along the way. Each had an exotic fragrance, especially when mixed in a bouquet.
After a while, Hadassah left the narrow path and headed across a meadow, through some lemonwood, and settled next to a stream. Before them in the valley below was the city of New Auckland. It was a lovely spot for a picnic, but Ya’akov would have considered anywhere a lovely spot as long as Hadassah was present.
Hadassah spread a red ocher blanket with specs of blue and green throughout on the grass and sat facing the city below. Ya’akov sat next to her. She pulled some glasses and sparkling cider from her basket and poured them each a glass. Next she took out some bread, cheese, pears, and kiwifruit. They ate casually while they talked and took in the scenery.
“You mentioned Jerusalem,” Ya’akov said. “Do you go there often?”
Hadassah nodded and took a sip of cider. “My dad operates out of the Jerusalem Science Center and assists various Shepherds in their teaching, helping keep them up to date on new technology and how to teach people more effectively. I assist him and the Shepherds—mainly teaching children.” She smiled. “They’re so adorable.” She pointed to the city below. “My uncle is a Shepherd here in New Auckland, but he travels throughout New Zealand.”
“Is everything here preceded by the word new?” Ya’akov asked with a smile.
Hadassah almost choked on a piece of bread as she laughed at the same time.
Ya’akov patted her on her back as she recovered from coughing. He bent over to get her attention with his eyes. “Are you all right? Sorry. I guess that was bad timing on my part.”
Hadassah waved her hands. “No, no. I’m fine. It just struck me as funny.” She pointed back to the city. “From the way it’s been explained to me, this part of New Zealand, the North Island, was shaped somewhat like a boot. Auckland was on the toe of that boot. But during the pre-Refreshing time of geologic upheaval, the rise in ocean levels and the activity of the volcanoes here buried the city. After the King initiated the Refreshing, people here built this city again and named it New Auckland.”
Ya’akov nodded.
“But to fully answer your question . . . ” She smiled. “No, not all cities begin with the word new.”
Ya’akov leaned back on his elbows and sighed.
“What’s wrong?”
Ya’akov looked at her and then toward the city. “You know so much about everything. I know nothing about anything. I feel like I’m a blank-page journal sitting next to an encyclopedia.”
Hadassah laughed but then quickly put her hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude.”
Ya’akov chuckled. “I wasn’t offended. In a sad way, it is kind of funny.”
“So, no memories at all have come back?” She passed him more cheese.
Ya’akov shook his head as he took a bite. He looked at Hadassah and smiled. “I’ve greatly enjoyed the company, though.”
Hadassah’s gaze met his. “So have I.”
Ya’akov grinned. “So you like blank pages, do you?”
“Of course. You can turn them into anything you want.”
Ya’akov gave a look of mock shock with mouth open. Hadassah laughed again.
“You think I’m going to let you get away with that?” he asked.
Hadassah looked at him sternly. “I do.” She couldn’t keep a straight face, and it quickly turned into a smile.
Ya’akov reached for her, but she quickly rolled away from him and jumped to her feet. Ya’akov reacted and also bounded to his feet. She was already several meters ahead, running toward the stream, giggling the whole way.
Ya’akov gained on her, but before he could reach her, she leapt across a few stones, turned, bent down, and splashed Ya’akov with water as he arrived at the stream’s edge.
He yelped in a bit of shock. The water was cold, and it took him off guard, forcing him to stop dead in his tracks, arms outstretched.
Hadassah laughed. Ya’akov got a wicked grin on his face. He bent down and splashed her back. She gave a little squeal, laughed, and ran away. Ya’akov stood to run after her. He attempted to leap across the same stones as Hadassah had, but his foot slipped, and he fell headlong into the stream at the same moment he saw Hadassah turn.
Ya’akov stood up sputtering, spraying water out of his mouth, and slinging his hands. Hadassah fell on the grass laughing. Ya’akov looked at her and also laughed. He waded from the water and plopped down next to her. “You win.”
She laughed even more. She took her sleeve and wiped his forehead and cheeks. “That will teach you.” Her eyes met his and they both froze. He leaned in. She didn’t move. His lips touched hers, and he tasted kiwi. He leaned in further and she kissed him back. He made the kiss last longer and then pulled his lips from hers. Her gaze darted between his eyes and over his face. He pulled back a bit and whispered. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
She ran her hands over his temples. “I wasn’t exactly resisting.”
Ya’akov smiled, put his hands on hers, and pulled them down. He stood and reached for her hand. He helped her up.
“Hadassah, I don’t know anything about myself. It’s unfair to you.” He flailed his arms. “I could be anything. I could even be a bad person who—”
“No.” Hadassah cut him off sternly and put her hand on his chest. Her voice softened. “You could be anything but that.”
Ya’akov looked down and then back into her eyes. “How do you know that?”
She didn’t remove her hand from its position just over his heart. “Because of what’s in here. You may not know who you are, but I know what you are.”
“And what is that?”
“A gentle soul. Someone the King loves and has saved. That’s good enough for me.”
Ya’akov felt a blush coming on. He took her hand that was on his chest. “That’s sweet of you, Hadassah. I’m not sure your father would say the same.” Hadassah smiled. “You’re probably right.”
Ya’akov looked at her and they both broke into laughter.
“Come on. Let me help you get your basket packed.”
They walked back across the stream holding hands. He didn’t want to impose himself on her, but he definitely wanted to keep the possibility there once he—if he—rediscovered himself.
He helped her get everything in the basket, and they walked back to the house. He wanted to continue to hold her hand but didn’t want to rush anything. There was something about being with her. He felt alive, refreshed. For some reason, he didn’t care if he ever got his memory back—as long as she was part of his new existence.

Title: Darkness in the Light
Author: Randy C. Dockens
Publisher: Carpenter’s Son Publishing
Publication Date: January 14, 2020
Pages: 272
Genre: Christian Fiction

After Princess Me’ira breaks protocol and falls in love with someone not vetted by prescribed law, heartache seems unpreventable for either herself or someone she loves. 

Me’ira discovers the man for whom she has romantic feelings is tied to a prophecy that may put her father, the Prince who leads the world in worship of the King, in grave danger. Her father forbids her to marry the man of her dreams. Me'ira tries to circumvent the demand by devising a plan of her own to both protect her father as well as preserve her happiness. Yet, she finds her plan becomes harder to implement than she envisioned. Will it accomplish what she wants for both herself and her father, or will it just enhance the fulfillment of the prophecy she is trying so desperately to prevent? And can heartache be avoided, or will it consume them all? 

Darkness in the Light, the third prequel to Mercy of the Iron Scepter, is the fourth book of a new biblical end times prophecy series entitled Stele Prophecy Pentalogy by futuristic fiction author Randy C Dockens. This is not your typical speculative fiction in a biblical end times novel as, above all, it is a love story. This unique speculative fiction story combines biblical end times events of prophetic worship under the leadership of one called the Prince with advances in science to produce a future home that is technologically advanced while at the same time yielding a romantic read unlike any other Christian romance story you may have read. This book links many story threads together for that special aha moment.    

Darkness in the Light is available at Amazon.

Book Excerpt:

Excerpt from Chapter 7:

Jeremiah’s office door opened, and he stepped outside to ask everyone in. This time, Elsbeth and Liam were in the office as well. Adelina stood to one side.
Jeremiah gestured for Me’ira and Galen to have a seat. They found the two empty chairs in front of the floor to ceiling bookcases. Me’ira felt like this was an inquisition; everyone else took seats to face them.

Galen had a worried look on his face. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and Me’ira felt his hands getting clammy. She patted his forearm to give him assurance, as if to say she was on his side.
“Dad, what’s going on? Are we in trouble or something?”
“No, Me’ira. We just have some questions to clear up.”
Galen glanced from Me’ira to each of the others. “What type of questions? What did I do?”
Elsbeth responded. “Galen, I don’t know that you did anything, but . . . ”
“But what?”
Elsbeth crossed her legs, placing her hands on her knee. “Let me explain some things about the teleporter.”
Me’ira felt Galen’s hand start to tremble just a bit. She rubbed it to help him remain calm.
“The teleporter reads your genetic makeup as it dematerializes you and then rematerializes you. It needs to do that to ensure the machine does its job correctly on the other end. That gives a type of blueprint of the person traveling through it. Now, the teleportation department does several things with all of those data.”
“Aunt Elsbeth, surely you don’t use that information against people?” Me’ira asked.
Elsbeth shook her head. “Quite the contrary, I assure you. We compare each blueprint over time to ensure there is no tissue or genetic damage.” She smiled. “I can assure you, I have never seen a single case where harm came to anyone using a teleporter.”
Me’ira heard a small sigh come from Galen. She whispered in his direction, “See, I told you.”
Elsbeth turned to face Galen directly. “Because you and Me’ira used the teleporter several times today, we were able to verify your genetic patterns and compare them to the only other time you had ever been in the teleporter.”
Galen’s head jerked back slightly. He looked at Me’ira and back to Elsbeth. “But . . . I’ve never used the teleporter before yesterday.”
Elsbeth smiled. “Yes, I know. But your mother did before you were born—likely before she even knew she was pregnant.”
“I guess that makes sense.” He shook his head. “But I don’t understand. What’s the issue?”
Elsbeth looked at Jeremiah and Adelina and then back to Galen. “Galen, the genetic pattern produced by the fetus your mother carried . . . was not you.”
Galen sat stonelike for several seconds. Me’ira couldn’t tell if he was even breathing.
“What?” he said in a hushed tone, shaking his head. “That’s . . . that’s impossible. What are you implying? Are you trying to say I’m . . . I’m . . . ” He choked up. His eyes began to tear. “So, what are you really saying?”
Me’ira interlocked her fingers in his and held tight.
Elsbeth continued. “Galen, I know this doesn’t make sense. We’re still trying to understand it ourselves. But it seems the truth of the matter is, you are not your parents’ biological son. As crazy as that sounds, that is what the evidence suggests.”
Galen wiped his free hand down across his face in shock.
“Aunt Elsbeth, has this ever happened before?” Me’ira asked.
Elsbeth shook her head. “No. Never.”
Me’ira let go of Galen’s hand and quickly held it with her other; she rubbed his back gently with her just-freed hand. She turned to face him directly. “Do you have any siblings?”
Galen shook his head as his eyes glistened. “Me’ira, I’m an only child.” He looked at Elsbeth. “My parents love me.” Galen sat up straighter and wiped a few tears away. “They do,” he said, nodding as if to convince himself.
Elsbeth put her hand on his knee. “Galen, we’re not implying they don’t. I’m sure they do. But there is a mystery here that seems . . . unexplainable at the moment.”
Liam walked over and knelt next to Galen. “Hey, buddy, do you mind staying with us a few more days?”
Galen looked up, puzzled.
“I have some friends looking for your mom and dad,” Liam said. “We want to bring them here so we can get all of this straightened out. OK? There’s probably some logical explanation, and if anyone can explain it, it would be your mom and dad. Don’t you agree?”
Galen nodded slightly. “Yeah, I guess.” He began to fidget. “Uh, I really need to get some air. I feel . . . kind of sick. Even worse than the first teleporter ride.”
Me’ira rubbed his back. “Come on, Galen. I’ll take you out to the gardens.”
They stood. Adelina held out her hand. “Me’ira, here, let me take him.”
She looked at her dad, who nodded. “OK. I’ll be right out. OK, Galen?”
He nodded but didn’t really seem to comprehend. He and Adelina left the office.
Me’ira sat with a thud. Liam sat next to her. He put his arm around her shoulders and rubbed her back.
She looked at all three of them. “Can someone tell me what’s going on?” She stood and paced the length of the office. “None of this is making any sense.”
“Sis, it’s not making any sense to us either. We won’t know anything until we find his parents. Maybe they can shed some light on this.”
“Me’ira, please sit, sweetie,” her dad said, speaking for the first time in several minutes. “Your pacing is giving me motion sickness.”
She returned a weak smile knowing her dad was trying to add a little levity to the situation. She returned to sit next to Liam.
Her eyes were wet. “I just want everyone to like him,” she said softly.
“We do, sis. We do,” Liam said.
Elsbeth gave Me’ira a handkerchief. She wiped her eyes.
She leaned back, sighed, and looked at her father. “Are there any protocols for this?”

Title: Iron in the Scepter
Author: Randy C. Dockens
Publisher: Carpenter’s Son Publishing
Publication Date: April 12, 2020
Pages: 260
Genre: Christian Fiction

After Janet’s proposal for increasing teleporter efficiency to an all-time high is rejected by the King, she sets in motion a plan of revenge that has devastating consequences far greater than she ever imagined.
A co-worker puts Janet on the path to a prophecy that supposedly states the King will one day be deposed by a coming Overtaker who will bring true freedom to everyone. She puts her efforts, and those of her family, into the fulfillment of this prophecy. She marries a romantic who cherishes her for who she is, not wishing to change her, but doesn’t realize Janet also sees having children as a means to a greater end. Will she allow her animosity for the King and her pride to put herself, and her whole family, in harm’s way to fulfill her desire to see the King deposed? Her coercive efforts propel her into the fulfillment of a prophecy she could never have envisioned.

Iron in the Scepter, the fourth prequel to Mercy of the Iron Scepter, is the fifth and final book of a new biblical end times prophecy series entitled Stele Prophecy Pentalogy by futuristic fiction author Randy C Dockens. This is not your typical speculative fiction novel as it combines prophecy of biblical end times events with advances in science to describe a future home that is technologically advanced to produce a unique science fiction feel to this story. Plus, it provides a romantic read with a twist to the typical love story because pride gets in the way of true joy. 

Iron in the Scepter is available at Amazon.

Book Excerpt:

Excerpt from Chapter 4:

“Administrator Billingsley sat right there in the chair you’re sitting in and said not to get discouraged because my idea was rejected.”
“So, your boss talked to her without you being present to give a rebuttal?”
Janet shook her head.
“Your boss didn’t talk to her?”
“According to him.”
“So, the administrator received a message from the King through his Spirit, Ruach HaKadosh?”
Janet’s eyes narrowed. “Do you believe in that myth?”
Bruce raised an eyebrow. “According to Shepherd Morgan, it happens all the time. He says Scripture supports the idea.”
Have I gone too far?, Janet wondered. Well, there was only one way to find out. “Is that what you believe?” she asked.
Bruce shrugged. “I try not to get involved in debates. But . . . ” He let the sentence hang.
“But what?”
“Well, from how Shepherd Morgan explained it in one of his lessons some time ago, it explains why Administrators have glorified bodies and appear to glow somehow—because they died before the Refreshing and came back with the King when he returned.”
Janet pointed. “There. Did you hear what you just said?”
Bruce shook his head slightly. “What? What did I say?”
“Death. I just don’t get that. Have you ever heard of anyone dying?”
Bruce shook his head. “Except—”
Janet waved a hand quickly. “Yes, yes, I know. Not since the Refreshing.” She looked at Bruce with lips pursed. “And who controls all those records explaining how death used to happen? The King and his Administrators. That’s who.” Janet became even more emphatic. “We both have relatives who are centuries old. How do we know the Refreshing, where ‘all was made new,’ is an actual event, or one that was made up to explain the King’s legitimacy?” Bruce laughed. “I’m sorry, Janet. I see this topic gets you worked up.”
“Well, I choose to look at reality and use my senses. My senses tell me death is a myth.”
Bruce smiled. He pantomimed taking off a hat. “To each his own.”
That made Janet chuckle. “Sorry. I guess I get a little passionate sometimes.” She pointed to the monitor. “So, what about my proposal?”
Bruce sat back. “Oh, I think you have a remarkable brain.” He smiled. “Among other things.”
Janet felt her cheeks warm once more. She smiled and placed a stray hair behind her ear. “But . . . did I miss anything? In my proposal?”
“Well, I can understand why people wouldn’t want to go on a safari and see people farming when they would see that at most places around the world.”
Janet’s shoulders drooped. She had hoped Bruce would be more supportive.
“Yet there is one other variable that might need considering.”
Janet sat up. “Oh. What’s that?”
“Farm equipment.”
Janet froze for a second while trying to process the statement. She let out a sigh, shaking her head. “Farm equipment. Why didn’t I think of that? If I put farm equipment in my model, the soil can be repurposed better without necessarily having to go elsewhere for a different crop.” She stood and walked to the side of her desk. “I’m impressed.”
Bruce grinned and stood. “I said I was simple. Not a simpleton.”
She slapped his shoulder lightly and stood eye to eye with him. “I never implied that.”
Bruce smiled. “No. No, you didn’t.” Their eyes locked. Janet remained motionless. Bruce wrapped his arms around her as he leaned in for a kiss. Their lips touched and her body went weak. His strong arms held her steady, however, and this caused her to go even weaker. No man had ever affected her like this. After a few seconds, their lips parted.
Bruce whispered. “Janet, I’ve known you only a short time, but I think I’m falling for you.”
“But how can we make this work?”
Bruce gave a small grin. “Teleporters make a lot of things possible.”
“Maybe.” Janet asked herself why she was so hesitant about this. What’s holding me back?
“Well, just think about it this week. Can I come back and see you next weekend?”
Janet nodded. “I’ll meet you in the hotel lobby. Say, for brunch around ten thirty?”
Bruce turned up an eyebrow. “I thought you were going back home.”
“Oh, I am. But this gives me another reason to come back to the city.”
Bruce laughed and shook his head. “You’re definitely a city girl.” He suddenly stopped as though a realization had hit him, let his arms fall to his side, and let his shoulders droop. “Oh, I see.”
“See what?”
“Why you hesitated. You can’t see a relationship developing.”
“I . . . uh . . . don’t know.” She turned and took a couple of steps toward her desk and turned back, making circles on the desk with her index finger. “I just don’t want to get my hopes up.”
Bruce walked back to Janet and took her hands in his. “You take your time and leave the rest to me.” He kissed her forehead.
She gave him a hug. This should be an easy decision. Why am I making it so hard? Maybe he’s right. Time. That’s what she needed.
“Just be cautious, Janet.”
“What do you mean?”
“Not everyone will accept negative comments about the King.” Bruce paused. “Some . . . some have been taken.”
“Taken?” She shook her head slightly. “I don’t understand.”
 “Shepherd Morgan tells us that is part of the King’s iron scepter. Rebellion will be dealt with swiftly. I’ve heard of some being called rebellious and just disappearing. No one has seen them since.”
Janet’s eyes widened. “What? They were taken for just having a different opinion?”
“For various reasons, I’ve heard.” He paused. “Just be careful.”
Janet turned and paced. “That’s what makes me so upset with the King. Why is he allowed to be the one who defines what anyone can do?” Bruce grabbed her and stopped her from pacing. He rubbed her shoulders. “Calm down, Janet. If I knew you would get so upset, I wouldn’t have said anything. But I care about you and don’t want anything to happen to you.”
Janet gave a weak smile. “I’m sorry. I guess I get a little too independent sometimes.”
He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss. “I don’t mind a spirit of independence.” He smiled. “Of course, not everyone is like me.”
He had a point there. Not many men she had met was anything like him.
“I have to leave, Janet. You think about us this week, and we’ll pick up where we left off next weekend. OK?”
She nodded. He kissed her on the cheek and walked from her office.
She sat at her desk and watched him leave. Uh-oh. She knew she was in trouble.
He wasn’t even at the elevator and she missed him already.

About the Author

Dr. Randy C. Dockens has a fascination with science and with the Bible, holds Ph.D. degrees in both areas, and is a man not only of faith and science, but also of creativity. He believes that faith and science go hand in hand without being enemies of each other.

After completing his bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from Auburn University he went on to graduate school at Auburn and completed his first doctorate degree in Pharmaceutics. He began his scientific career as a pharmacokinetic reviewer for the Food and Drug Administration and later joined a leading pharmaceutical company as a pharmacokineticist, which is a scientist who analyzes how the human body affects drugs after they have been administered (i.e, absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted).

Through the years, he has worked on potential medicines within several disease areas, including cardiovascular, fibrosis, and immunoscience to seek and develop new and novel medicines in these therapy areas.

He has also had his attention on the academic study of the Bible. He earned a second doctorate in Biblical Prophecy from Louisiana Baptist University after receiving a master’s degree in Jewish Studies from the Internet Bible Institute under the tutelage of Dr. Robert Congdon.

Randy has recently retired from his pharmaceutical career and is spending even more time on his writing efforts. He has written several books that span dystopian (The Coded Message Trilogy), end-time prophecy (Stele Prophecy Pentalogy), science fiction (Erabon Prophecy Trilogy), and uniquely told Bible stories (The Adversary Chronicles). All his books, while fun to read, are futuristic, filled with science to give them an authentic feel, have a science fiction feel to them, and allows one to learn some aspect of Biblical truth one may not have thought about before. This is all done in a fast-paced action format that is both entertaining and provides a fun read for his readers.

He has also written some nonfiction books as well. One is to show how all humans are connected from God’s viewpoint by looking at biblical prophecy (Why is a Gentile World Tied to a Jewish Timeline?: The Question Everyone Should Ask). This book shows how all scripture is connected and inclusive of everyone. In addition, he and his editor have written two books about writing. The first is on writing techniques themselves and is entitled Mastering the ABCs of Excellent Writing: Creating Vivid and Colorful Stories that Readers Want to Read. This book not only addresses the techniques of writing, but what makes writing unique to each author. It conveys not only how to better hone one’s craft of writing but also the brand an author wants to portray. This helps an author make their writing unique as well as captivating for his/her audience. The second is a companion book to this one entitled Mastering the ABCs of Excellent Self-Editing: Framing Your Colorful Masterpiece to Keep Readers Engaged in Your Story. This is best used in conjunction with the first one. Yet, self-editing, though intricately connected to writing, is a distinct event. The better the quality of a writer’s draft manuscript when it is delivered to one’s editor, the higher the final quality of the manuscript will be for readers, and that is extremely important.

Dr Dockens is still not done. He has other creative ideas he is bringing forward as he is currently working on two new futuristic series. So, stay turned!


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